We have always maintained to all the customers that you all are always welcome at our veera desai head office to personally come and inspect all the documents, if any one has any queries pertaining to the ownership of the land, legal status of the project, and the approvals towards the project we would be more than happy to sought out your queries. As far as uploading the documents on the blog is concern, we are sorry we would not be able to do so as its not the company's policy to do so. We have given inspection of documents to all the clients who have enquired about the same and we would continue to do so, for which you need to visit the head office.
Also we are sure that its common sense that if we have done piling and almost completed a plinth the land belongs to us and we have some clearances, contradicting the claims of some people who are just trying to create panic amongst the current investors and prospective buyers for their personal motives.
Plinth of the first building is nearing completion and also the agreement process in under process.
Further updates will provided on regular basis.
We would welcome people who haven't booked and are commenting on the blog for their personal motives to come and inspect the documents.
Lastly as mentioned by many clients that the forum is not functioning properly, there were some server issues which are getting addressed, hopefully the forum should be functioning properly by tomorrow.
Ionic Management.